Visit Us
The Carolina Asia Center is located in the FedEx Global Education Center on the corner of Pittsboro and McCauley Streets in Chapel Hill, North Carolina.
Locate the FedEx Global Education Center using Google Maps.
Parking & Transportation
Paid visitor parking may be available in the McCauley Deck, located below the building, and the Beard Parking Lot, to the east of building, on the weekends and after 5 p.m. on weekdays. To access these parking areas, turn onto Pharmacy Lane from McCauley Street. For other parking options, visit the UNC Transportation and Parking or call the UNC parking information line at +1.919.962.3951.
The FedEx Global Education Center is located near several bus stops serving Chapel Hill and surrounding areas. The closest stops are located on Pittsboro Street at State Employees’ Credit Union and S. Columbia Street at Sitterson Hall/UNC NROTC Naval Armory.
Chapel Hill Transit buses are free, but buses serving other areas of the Triangle and park and ride lots may have fees. For more information on bus routes serving the area, please visit Town of Chapel Hill Transit, GoTriangle or UNC Transportation and Parking’s page on local transit options.