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Starting Fall 2024, students can minor in Southeast Asian Studies at UNC Chapel Hill. The minor requires four content courses.


  • Four content courses on Southeast Asia, available in Religion, Geography, Anthropology, Linguistics, Music, History, American Studies, and DAMES.
  • Optional language course at 204+ level.


Available courses that count towards the minor:

Course Code Course Title Description
AMST 353 (ASIA 353) Southeast Asian North Carolina

Drawing from Asian American Studies and Asian Studies, the course explores the political histories and lived experiences of Southeast Asians and Southeast Asian Americans in North Carolina.

ANTH 290 Environmental Justice in Southeast Asia

This course explores the intersection of environmental studies and social justice/injustice in the context of Southeast Asia broadly conceived.

ANTH 375 (ASIA 375) Memory, Massacres, and Monuments in Southeast Asia

The past in Southeast Asia’s present, focusing on global, national, and local processes; individual and collective memory; and the legacies of violent death.

ASIA 151 Literature and Society in Southeast Asia

An introduction to the societies of Southeast Asia through literature.

CMPL 252 (ASIA 252) Popular Culture in Modern Southeast Asia

This course examines popular culture in Southeast Asia as a response to colonialism, nationalism, modernization, the state, and globalization.

GEOG 64 Vietnam

Explores modern Vietnam and situates the American war in broader spatial and historical context.

GEOG 266 Society and Environment in Southeast Asia

This survey integrates sociological, biophysical, and geographical elements to examine interactions of population and environment across the ecologically-diverse and historically-rich region of Southeast Asia.

HIST 131 (ASIA 131) Southeast Asia to the Early 19th Century

The history of Southeast Asia from prehistory to “high imperialism.”

HIST 131 (ASIA 132) Modern Southeast Asia

The history of Southeast Asia from the 19th century to the present.

LING 260 (ASIA 260) Languages of Southeast Asia

This course surveys languages spoken in Southeast Asia, an area rich in linguistic diversity, which is home to five distinct language families and well over 1,000 individual languages.

MUSC 212 Ensemble 11: Gamelan

Learn to play the gamelan.

MUSC 240 (ASIA 240) Performance in Southeast Asia: Gongs, Punks, and Shadow Plays

The study and comparison of contemporary Southeast Asian performance genres (music, theatre, dance, ritual) in historical and cultural contexts.

PWAD 570 (HIST 570, ASIA 570) The Vietnam War

A wide-ranging exploration of America’s longest war, from 19th-century origins to 1990s legacies, from village battlegrounds to the Cold War context, from national leadership to popular participation and impact.

RELI 384 (ASIA 384) Religion and Globalization in Southeast Asia

How does globalization affect religious life? How do historical, cultural, and religious traditions mediate the experience of globalization in particular locales?

VIET 204+ Advanced Vietnamese Language

Modern Vietnamese Language


Content or language courses taken during study abroad may be eligible to count towards the minor.


If there is a class that is not listed but is related to South East Asian Studies and you would like to have it count as credit for the Southeast Asian Studies Minor, email Dr. Becky Butler with the class information at