Teaching the Vietnam War
April 26 @ 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
This workshop showcases lessons by and for teachers interested in how to teach “The American War” using diverse perspectives and interdisciplinary approaches. Presentations by high school teachers Duyen Tong (California), Chris Bunin (Virginia), Vincent Pham (New York), and Elena Samkin (North Carolina) draw on classroom experience, current scholarship, and creative pedagogy. In addition, guest speaker and Fulbright scholar Nguyen Hong Hai will discuss Vietnam-US international relations. Based on a 2022 NEH Summer Institute at the National Humanities Center led by Christian C. Lentz and Andy Mink, their lessons feature in a forthcoming issue of the American Historical Review.
This event is sponsored by the Teaching Asia Network of the Carolinas and is part of the 50 Years Later: The American War in Vietnam series.